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Sets bits from 1 to N

Problem Statement

You are gives Q queries each query containing two integers aa and bb. Your task is to count the no of set-bits in for all numbers between aa and bb (both inclusive).


Input: a = 1, b = 1
Output: 1

Input: a = 10, b = 15
Output: 17


Expected Time Complexity: Log(n)Log(n)

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How much the ithith bit in every number from 11 to NN will contribute to the final answer?

It is equal to the number of numbers, in binary representation, having ithith bit set. which is equal to: (N/2i)2(N / 2^i ) * 2i^i^-1+X^1 + X

X=(NX = (N & (2i1))2i(2^i - 1)) - 2^i^-1+1^1+ 1

iff X>=0X >= 0

Time Complexity: Log(n)Log(n)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int AllBitsOneToN(int N) {
int two = 2, ans = 0;
int n = N;
while (n) {
ans += (N / two) * (two >> 1);
int t = (N & (two - 1)) - (two >> 1) + 1;
ans += max(t, 0);
two <<= 1;
n >>= 1;
return ans;

int main() {
int q, a, b, res;
cin >> q;
while (q--) {
cin >> a >> b;
res = AllBitsOneToN(b) - AllBitsOneToN(a-1);
cout << res << "\n";